

  • Libre
  • Self-Hosted

Animate.css is a lightweight, open-source library of CSS animations that can be used to add motion and visual interest to webpages and applications. It was developed by Dan Eden in 2013 and has since become the most popular CSS animation library on the web. Animate.css is designed to be used as a standalone library or can be integrated into existing webpages, frameworks, and libraries. The library contains a wide range of animations from basic fades, slides and zooms to complex, multi-step animations. Animations can be triggered with a single class and can be customized through CSS variables. Animate.css also provides library-specific classes for quickly adding animations to elements. Animate.css is extremely versatile and can be used to create captivating user experiences, including interactive stories, dynamic page transitions, animated elements, and more. It is browser compatible and can be used with all major front-end frameworks.

Development software and applications
