

  • Libre
  • Web

Ampersand.js is a JavaScript library that provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools for creating rich web-based applications and single-page apps. It is built on the concept of “progressive enhancement”, which means that it works with existing web technologies, allowing developers to build on their existing knowledge and to quickly create and maintain powerful web applications. The library is open-source, lightweight and fast, and it simplifies the development process by providing a range of tools for creating custom application logic, managing data, and managing DOM elements. It also provides a comprehensive collection of ready-made components and widgets to help developers quickly create interactive user interfaces. Ampersand.js is designed to be easy to learn, and it works with existing web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is highly extensible, allowing developers to customize their applications to meet their individual needs. It has a thriving community of developers and users who are always eager to help newcomers get up and running with the library.

Development software and applications
