Amber Smalltalk


  • Libre
  • Web
  • Self-Hosted
  • Node.JS

Amber Smalltalk is an open-source, lightweight and powerful Smalltalk language, specifically designed to develop rich web applications. It is based on the JavaScript language and includes a comprehensive set of libraries, tools and frameworks to help developers create interactive web-based applications quickly and easily. The language provides an object-oriented and dynamic programming environment, allowing developers to create custom web applications with minimal coding. Amber Smalltalk is also designed to work with HTML5 and CSS, making it easier to create fully responsive web applications. Developers can use the language to write code that is compatible with major web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Additionally, Amber Smalltalk features a debugger, an interactive development environment, and a debugger console for troubleshooting and debugging code. Finally, the language integrates with popular JavaScript libraries, such as jQuery and Dojo, allowing developers to quickly and easily create highly interactive web applications.

Development software and applications
