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Agda is a dependently-typed, functional programming language and proof assistant developed by the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. It is designed to be easy to use, with a simple syntax and powerful type system. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory and supports the use of dependent types and inductive definitions. Agda is used to implement formal proofs and programs, and it supports both interactive development and automated theorem proving. Its main purpose is to help the user write correct and reliable programs, by checking that all inputs and outputs match the types they expect. The system also helps you to develop programs that are correct by construction. Agda is used to implement many different kinds of applications, including programming language interpreters, compilers, theorem provers, and model checkers. It is also used in the development of formal verification tools, such as proof assistants and automated theorem provers. The language is well-suited for implementing applications that require a high degree of correctness, such as safety-critical systems and security protocols.

Development software and applications Education and reference applications
