

  • Libre
  • Android

AFWall+ is an Android security and privacy application that helps users protect their devices from malicious attacks. The main features of AFWall+ include: 1. Firewall: AFWall+ allows users to block internet access to any app installed on their device. It also provides users with the option to configure rules for different apps, allowing them to control the amount of data and resources each app can access. 2. Data Usage Monitor: AFWall+ also provides users with the ability to monitor their data usage in real-time. This helps users to keep track of how much data each app is consuming. 3. Blocking Ads: AFWall+ provides users with the ability to block unwanted ads from appearing on their device. This helps to improve the user experience by eliminating annoying ads. 4. Security Settings: AFWall+ also allows users to configure their security settings. This includes the ability to block malicious websites, enable two-factor authentication, and other security features. Overall, AFWall+ is an effective security and privacy application that helps users protect their devices from malicious attacks. It provides users with the ability to monitor their data usage, block unwanted ads, and configure their security settings.

Security and privacy applications
