

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Linux
  • Self-Hosted

Acra is a secure and powerful open-source platform for developing, deploying, and managing software applications and services. It is a cloud-native platform that provides a wide range of features and tools to help developers build secure, reliable, and highly available applications and services. With Acra, developers can quickly and easily create, deploy, and manage applications and services in a secure, reliable, and cost-effective manner. Acra provides a comprehensive suite of features to help developers build secure and reliable applications, including authentication and authorization, encryption, data protection, identity management, and logging. Additionally, Acra provides tools to help developers quickly and easily deploy, manage, and monitor their applications and services. Acra also provides integrations with popular cloud services such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, allowing developers to quickly and easily connect their applications and services with the cloud.

Development software and applications
