2Shared is an online storage and backup service that allows users to store and share files with others. It is a simple to use and secure way to store, access and share files with friends, family, colleagues and anyone else. With 2Shared, users can upload and store files of any size, sync them between multiple devices, and share them with anyone they choose. The service is reliable and secure, with the ability to encrypt files and store them in the cloud with military-grade encryption. Files can also be shared quickly and securely with 2Shared, with no need to download or install any software. All users need to do is log into their 2Shared account and create a link for the file they want to share. This link can then be sent to anyone they choose, and the recipient can access the file without needing to sign up for an account.
Discontinued The service is no longer available.
By OmgItsTheSmartGuy · Jun 2011
2Shared tiene la página de descarga más confusa que he visto. Hay tres botones de descarga en la página, pero ninguno de ellos son los reales. La descarga real es ese pequeño enlace de 10 fuentes en la parte inferior derecha. Me tomó 10 minutos encontrarlo. Pero una vez que te acostumbras al enlace de tamaño ridículo, 2Shared DOES ofrece descargas directas. Así que eso es un plus.
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