Wistia is an online platform that allows users to easily share, store and organize video content. It is a great tool for businesses, large and small, who want to use videos to increase their reach, engagement and sales. Wistia provides users with features like custom video players, access control, password protection and analytics. These features give users the ability to control who has access to their videos, make sure their videos are secure, and track their performance. Wistia also allows users to embed videos into websites and social media. Wistia also offers a suite of tools to help users create and manage their videos. These include tools to help with editing, transcoding and encoding videos, adding titles and captions, creating annotations and interactive elements, and more. Wistia also has a video marketing platform, which allows users to create campaigns and measure their effectiveness. Overall, Wistia is an excellent platform for businesses that want to use videos to build relationships, engage their audiences, and increase their sales.
Cincopa is easier, faster and has many more options for embedding and customization!
Unlimited integration options. Easy to use widgets. Seamless integration with multiple platforms.
Discontinued http://dreamvids.fr/
Wistia is video marketing and hosting. Seekmash is just a meta search engine so it is not similar at all.
Discontinued On the website, Fliiby is said to have been discontinued.
By estebanrenau · Jan 2019
El peor servicio de alojamiento de videos que hay. Cobra tarifas exorbitantes por un servicio mediocre. Mis videos alojados en Wistia siguen teniendo este problema ... se cuelgan de vez en cuando, ¡lo que hace que ver los videos alojados en su plataforma sea insoportable! Además, sus prácticas comerciales turbias han disuadido a muchas personas, incluso yo mismo, de querer seguir haciendo negocios con ellos. Soy dueño de una pequeña empresa que solía iniciar sesión en su plataforma, pero ahora, por cualquier motivo, sus robots en su sitio me dicen que no puedo acceder a los servicios que pagué hace una semana. No piense que lo arreglarán nunca porque adivinen qué, tampoco les importa el servicio al cliente y, por lo tanto, dudo que presten atención a lo que tengo que decir.
Evita Wistia cuando puedas y es mejor que alojes tus videos en YouTube o Vimeo. [Editado por estebanrenau, 14 de enero] [Editado por estebanrenau, 14 de enero]
The site facilitates the maintenance of accounts.