

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

Widelands is a free, open source real-time strategy game set in the early Middle Ages. Players build up their own civilizations and compete against each other in a variety of ways. The game has a vibrant community, with a wide range of user-created content that can be downloaded and played. The game is set in a fantasy world filled with economic, military, and diplomatic challenges. Players must manage their economy and resources to build up their cities and armies and compete with other players for control of the map. The game's main focus is on economy and resource management, but it also contains elements of technological development and research. Widelands has a wide range of game modes, from single-player campaigns to online multiplayer games. The game also features a map editor, allowing players to create their own maps and scenarios. The game has an active modding community, with many user-created scenarios and maps available for download. Widelands is a great game for players looking for a challenging and engaging real-time strategy experience. It's free to play and available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

